I'm tired of ads when downloading files. How can I disable all ads?

  1. Install AdBlock for your browser. We are sure that this will greatly help you when downloading any files all over the Internet.

  2. But you can also disable all ads completely.
    To do this, you will need to get an account on our website. Since registration on our website is closed due to security reasons, you will need to enter a special invitation code.

How can I get a special invitation code?

To do this, you need to make any donation. Any amount. Just once. After your donation, we will see your contact details and will be able to contact you so that you receive your universal invitation code.

After registration, you will become a full-fledged participant of our project, many hidden functions will open up for you.

I can't open/unzip the downloaded file. What should I do?

  1. Install the current version of WinRar or 7-Zip and try opening/unpacking the file again.

  2. If this didn't help, then you need to manually rename the .tar expansion to .rar / .zip / .7z.
    This method works on PCs and smartphones.

    For example, we have a file:

    We need to do:

When I download a file, my antivirus notifies me when a virus is detected. Is your site malicious?

NO! We're aware of this problem. And with each new update of Windows Defender, this problem reminds itself again. If you have been a user of our site for a long time, you know that we have never misled our users. Trust us, we are not trying to infect your computer. All music archives are created and uploaded programmatically via a virtual machine.

Windows Defender mistakenly perceives archives with the .tar extension as harmful.

In order to continue to use our site comfortably and not disable antivirus, we recommend disabling Cloud Protection in your Windows Defender.

When I try to download something, I get to the home page of the site. Why? How can I fix this??

Most likely, you are using a proxy server that tries to encrypt outgoing links from the site. Due to the fact that we already encrypt all download links, you can't get a workable end URL.

  1. Make sure that the download link has a URL starting with:

    Don't try to copy the link and paste it into the address bar of your browser. It won't work. You will be taken to the home page of the site. All links work only from a direct click

  2. Try connecting to the site directly without using a proxy server

  3. If this didn't work, please contact us and we will try to solve your problem together.